On June 6 & 7, 2024, Mayor Rodrick closed and emptied the Toms River Animal Shelter, without the authority of the Toms River Council and immediately following the May 31, 2024 certification of the Township Clerk of 3,079 signatures in protest of the Ordinance to lease the Shelter to Ocean County. When reached by several press outlets and at the June 26, 2024 Toms River Council meeting Mayor Rodrick stated that the Shelter has been closed for construction and upgrade purposes. LIES UPON LIES!
An OPRA request of Toms River Township dated June 28, 2024, with a response received on July 8, 2024 (R0249287-062824) requesting “An RFP, blue print, drawings, schematic’s, construction permits, construction documents, contractor names, engineers or firms – regarding the changes being made to the Toms River Animal Shelter building and/or the property surrounding it as it is ‘Closed for Construction.'” OPRA response received by Toms River Township – “NO SUCH RECORDS EXISTS.”
It appears Mayor Rodrick once again has lied to the residents of Toms River and though he may have plans in his mind or something on his mind, he and his staffers have taken no specific course of action except endanger the welfare of the animals and released workforce to unemployment. This is no way to govern the 7th largest municipality in New Jersey!