Earlier today, Phil Brilliant of Toms River, filed a complaint against Toms River Township, Council President Craig Coleman, Council Vice President Lynn O’Toole, Councilman Justin Lamb, Councilman George Lobman, Mayor Daniel Rodrick, Toms River Acting Municipal Clerk Stephen Hensel, Business Administrator Jonathan Salonis, Township Attorney, Peter Pascarella, Esq. and Township Attorney Gregory McGuckin for not following the law relative to the petition to protest the ordinance to lease the Toms River Animal Shelter to the Ocean County Board of Health and for violating the Civil Rights Act. More to follow, but a copy of same is below.
Thank you!!! I have been sick over the closing of the shelter!
Us too. thanks!
I’m standing with Phil! This town is falling apart and we need new leadership! Dump Dan and his cronies!
Thanks for all!
So glad something is being done. He’s a dictator. His way, or no way attitude. Who voted for this guy??
We need more people to stand up and get involved. If not in person, if not with money, at the polls! Talk to your neighbors and friends.