Mayor Rodrick goes down in flames and out the door

In a shocking moment after 5 months of unbelievable moments at the Toms River Township Council Meetings, Mayor Daniel Rodrick called Councilman Tom Nivison, his running mate last year, a “Sell Out!” “You Sold Out…You Sell Out!” Councilman Nivison stood his own on the budget, as well as during a heated moment on the the Consent Agenda when public comment was excluded. If you are a follower or supporter of Mayor Rodrick, last night should stand as the moment that ended the political career of Daniel Rodrick. Much more to follow. BTW – Council voted to make all meeting videos available on the YouTube Channel – surprise, last night’s video is deleted!

1 thought on “Mayor Rodrick goes down in flames and out the door

  1. Anne Landolfi

    It truly was always.. the meeting ran much smoother once the puppeteer left the room

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