While the Toms River Township Council passed a Resolution (T) on May 22, 2024 to execute an event contract with Cliffhanger Productions, Inc., for the 2024 Summer Concert Series at Shelter Cove Beach Stage for five (5) concert performances in the total amount not to exceed $31,130 (a deposit in the amount of $15,565 required immediately), he didn’t reveal hidden and extra costs.
No question there was a concert and from all the photos (as many of us were at the Toms River Council meeting held at the same time) it looked like good fun, did anyone notice the temporary stage is owned by Ocean County Board of Commissioners? Do you think that is free? When Phil Brilliant asked Councilman Lamb on May 22nd “where is Shelter Cove Beach Stage” and Ward 1 Councilman Lamb had no answer only said “why don’t you come out and help, volunteer…” (Brilliant was never called to help). Well PO# 24-03261 issued on June 5, 2024 in the amount of $3,000 was paid to the County of Ocean – no one on Council questioned on June 26th, it was just paid. Is this for 1 concert or 5? Guess we have to ask on July 24.
Interestingly, on the same day, June 5, 2024, one purchase order before, PO#24-03261, Cliffhanger Productions, Inc. was paid $5,200 for “additional concert – concert series.” Additional costs already? For a Mayor who wants to save, save, save by cutting staff, health insurance, the Animal Shelter, Police…he sure has money when HE WANTS IT! This is not how you govern!