Mayor Rodrick says “We have NO money for the Animal Shelter” but…

He has money for Summer Concert Series at the Shelter Cove Beach Stage and Summer Movies at Huddy Park. At the May 22nd Toms River Council Meeting, the Mayor put forth, because we know Council President Coleman has nothing to do with the Agenda, two (2) resolutions that are not only ridiculous, but a complete waste of money – but there is not money in the budget for the Animal Shelter.

1 – Five (5) Concert Performances on June 26, July 10, July 24, August 7 & August 21 costing the Toms River Taxpayers at least $31,565 to be held at the Shelter Cove Beach Stage. What stage at Shelter Cove Beach? The concerts will be 7PM to 9PM…have you ever been at Shelter Cove Beach after 6PM, the green heads and mosquitos own the Beach, not to mention over the past 3 years many neighbors have complained about loud music in the parking lot, but now there will be concerts. The cost covers the expense to Cliffhanger Productions out of Rutherford, NJ, I am sure one of Mayor Rodrick’s North Jersey friends, when he could have tapped local concert experts, but the budget does not seem to include security, sound, traffic control, public works…so much more. Mayor Rodrick has no clue! BTW – remember he held the Toms River Business Improvement District hostage for $25,000 to hold fireworks, but now he has money for concerts!!! Stay tuned! PS – 2 of the dates are Council Meetings!

2 – Six (6) Summer Movies at Huddy Park on July 2, July 16, July 30, August 6, August 20, and September 3 from 8PM to 10:30PM costing the Toms River Taxpayers $6,274.66. Who is cleaning the goose poop from Huddy Park? Does the cost include the movie rights, that can run thousands of dollars a decent movie or will Business Administrator Jonathan Salonis spin a movie like he spins songs as a weekend DJ? Last but not least, the last time there was a movie in Huddy Park the screen became a sail and almost took half the crowd with it! Does Mayor Rodrick talk to anyone before he plans an event or does he wake up in the middle of the night “how can I screw with the residents today?” BTW – remember he held the Toms River Business Improvement District hostage for $25,000 to hold fireworks, but now he has money for movies!!!

Know the facts!