At the last Toms River Council Meeting of 2024, Toms River Mayor Daniel Rodrick continued his rule of chaos and violations of Township Code by swearing in Peter Sundack at Chief of Police, officially replacing Chief Mitch Little, whom Rodrick forced into retirement earlier this year. Peter Sundack, who has been a lieutenant in the Toms River Police Department since 2018 was promoted to Captain and named Acting Police Chief by Mayor Rodrick during the September 25, 2024 Council Meeting, however the Toms River Municipal Code is clear on the path to Chief.
Chapter 50-2B of the Toms River Municipal Code states: “The Chief of Police shall be appointed to the office of Chief of Police by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Township Council, and such appointment shall not be subject to a probationary period or recommendation. The Chief of Police shall have served at least one year time in grade as Captain.” (amended 5-13-2008 Ord. No. 4136-08) As stated above, Captain Peter Sundack has served as Captain for a little more than 2 months, not the required 1 Year and there has been no official action of consent by the Toms River Council.
Also at last night’s meeting, 11 promotions occurred and 3 new officers were sworn in, all promises made when Chief Little was forced from his position. But what is next for Mayor Rodrick and Toms River, as he continues to disregard the law and govern with chaos and no transparency? When a municipality in New Jersey does not follow its own municipal code, it can face legal consequences, including lawsuits from residents or businesses affected by the noncompliance, potential fines, and in extreme cases, could be subject to state oversight or intervention due to a violation of state law depending on the nature of the code violation; essentially, the municipality is not adhering to its own local rules and regulations, which can lead to legal repercussions.
Citizens MUST raise concerns about noncompliance with the municipal code through public meetings, contacting elected officials, or media attention, potentially prompting the municipality to address the issue.
I have seen a lot of public outcry about the Mayor and his Council President violating code but very little about how we can report this and have it addressed. Would appreciate it if you could point us as to where we can go to file complaints/concerns. Obviously, reporting them in town and at council meetings gets nowhere.
Great points and honestly, we have filed complaints with Department of Community Affairs, Attorney General, Ocean County Prosecutor…and nothing yet, because it is not “big enough.” Seriously! But we won’t stop. Here are some links:https://www.njoag.gov/contact/file-a-complaint/ https://www.nj.gov/dca/codes/offices/regaffairs.shtml
These are the best two places and the more we file, the better chances of someone waking up. We have started a petition to change the the form of government, that will get rid of all of them, Mayor and Council and replace with 7 at-large council members, no strong mayor – like the old days. There is information on our website, please review and if you will sign and help, please let us know. We need 7200 signatures, we want 9000!
My husband and I have been watching the meeting on YouTube because we are busy running our girls to dance classes during the time of the meetings. My husband wants to put the house on the market and move. I am fighting to stay put because my one daughter will be going into high school next year and the other daughter will be entering middle school, so not really the ideal time to move our girls away from their friends and family. We’re beyond concerned about the situation in Toms River, between the town in utter chaos and the school district going down the tubes due to S2 funding cuts, it’s too much. My husband’s grandfather was superintendent of schools in Toms River and the indoor athletic bubble is named after him, we both were born and raised here, thought we’d stay forever, but I don’t think that will happen.
I feel the pain every day, but especially at Council Meetings. I believe Toms River is better than Daniel Rodrick and the current administration, so we are moving to get rid of them all. We have started a petition to change the form of government from the Mayor-Council of today with a strong mayor, to council-manager. The council would be 7 at-large members (no Wards) and every 2 years they would elect (among themselves) a mayor, but the town is run by a manager who has met the qualifications, not someone who DJ’s on the weekend and has no certifications to be a manager. There is more information on our website, but we need 7200 signatures, but want 9000. I put 3 daughters through the Toms River Schools and I am not ready to leave the place I call home and the best place to live in NJ! Thanks.
This man is an absolute joke as a mayor. He has no regard for the municipal code. He continues to rule like he is a king. He forced an excellent chief from his position for no good reason. Please rid the town of this harmful person.
If you are a Toms River resident we have started a petition to get rid of all of them, council and mayor, by changing the form of government to a council-manager. You can learn more about it on our website and Facebook page and if you have questions, please ask and if you can sign and help, please let us know. We need 7200 signatures we want 9000! Thanks Happy Holidays!