A June 27, 2024 OPRA request to the Ocean County Board of Health response of July 9, 2024 stated “NO RECORDS” found pertaining to the Toms River Animal Facility since May 8, 2024. “No available telephone logs, email logs or communications,” but in complete transparency, they stated that any drafts or contracts that may be under review by counsel would not yet be available to the public. The next Ocean County Board of Health meeting is July 17, 2024, so we will monitor their agenda, however, Mayor Rodrick’s statements of “I don’t need a lease to give the shelter to the county” and “It’s a done deal,” are without truth or merit. We will continue to monitor.
I wonder how many animals have died unnecessarily because Dan Roderick took it upon himself to shut town the TomsRiver animal shelter !
We do not know an exact count, but we know that the Toms River Police Department have had to respond to unnecessary calls due to 1 ACO.
Rodrick has a hidden agenda and the animals and employees are paying the price. Fess up rodrick, show us some respect and tell the taxpayers in Toms River what nefarious plan you have up your sleeve.
Unfortunately Daniel Rodrick respects no one and doesn’t deserve the job but he snowed the voters of Toms River. It is now our job, all of us, to educate the voters going forward. Thanks