On March 27, 2024 by Resolution of the Township Council, with a motion to approve by Council Vice President O’Toole and Second by Councilman Lamb and a roll call vote of 5-2 (Quinlisk and Ciccozzi voted NO) Morgan Engineering was retained by the Township of Toms River as the Township Engineer. Councilman Quinlisk questioned this decision asking “If all of the Engineering Services are moving to Morgan Engineering why is there not a ‘not to exceed’ on the contract?” Mayor Rodrick stated “Engineering contracts are open-ended. They will be cheaper than having a Township Engineer. They will run the department.” During the public comment session on the resolution, prior to the Council removing this right from the residents of Toms River a resident stated “Seems like a conflict of interest as Morgan Engineering is owned by a County Commissioner.”
Below are invoices for Morgan Engineering services to Toms River of $17,468 for March, 2024 and $41,846.70 for April, 2024 or $59,314 for 2 months; an average of $29,657/month or $355,884/year. Where is the savings??