Remember on May 22, 2024, the Toms River Township Council approved two resolutions by 4-3 votes to add Donald F. Burke of Brick to the town’s legal pool and to award him a $50,000 contract as special counsel on the Ciba-Geigy litigation. The attorney hired by Toms River to represent the township in its battle […]
Tag: Council
Toms River Residents Plead for Code Enforcement on Rentals…We Hear You and Want to Help
Last night, November 13, 2024, Toms River Residents pleaded to the Toms River Council to respond to Code Enforcement violations and issues and stop the boarding houses in our neighborhoods and lack of property upkeep. Toms River Township Attorney Peter Pascarella said “if you report it, they will enforce it. With no CO requirement on […]
Where is Daniel Rodrick Now?As Councilman, He Opposed Shuls in Residential Zones, as Mayor He Embraces
At the time of the March 9, 2021 Toms River Council vote in favor of a settlement with the US Justice Department, then Councilman Daniel Rodrick voted against the agreement and saying the township should fight any lawsuit. Following the 6-1 vote by Toms River Council, under the leadership of Mayor Maurice Hill, no applications […]
Mayor Daniel Rodrick’s Lies are Catching Up with Him – Toms River Schools Call Him Out!
The Board of Education of Toms River Regional Schools District has demanded that Mayor Daniel Rodrick cease and desist from any further publication or dissemination of the words he has used in a recent letter to the taxpayers of Toms River Township and publish an immediate retraction of the words in a notice to all […]
Philip Brilliant v. Township of Toms River, et. al returns to Courtroom 9 on Thursday, September 19 at 2PM
On Thursday, September 19th at 2PM, the case of Philip Brilliant v. Toms River Township, et. al, will continue to be heard by Judge Brenner in Courtroom #9 at the Ocean County Courthouse. Mr. Brilliant is fighting for his right and the right of the voters of Toms River to have the Ordinance successfully protested […]
Philip Brilliant v. Toms River Township, et. al, Set for Friday, September 6, 2024 at 11AM
At 11AM on Friday, September 6, 2024, the complaint filed by Toms River Resident Philip Brilliant against Toms River Township, Mayor Daniel Rodrick, 4 Council members and others will be heard in front of Judge Robert E. Brenner at the Ocean County Court House, 100 Hooper Avenue, Toms River, Courtroom 9, 3rd Floor.
Mayor Daniel Rodrick Lies Again and Endangers the Residents of Toms River
During a crazy, long and threatening Toms River Council Meeting on Wednesday night, August 28th, Mayor Rodrick and Council continued their threats and intimidation of the residents of Toms River and endangering the welfare of the residents. At one point, Council President Coleman even stated “unless I have a gun, I can’t control this meeting.” […]
Tonight’s the Night! Toms River Council Meeting at 7PM.
Tonight the Toms River Council will meet at 7PM, to discuss the attached Agenda, but as usually we expect more surprises. Be heard! This is your Toms River that Rodrick’s Rules of Chaos is destroying via reducing public safety, public health and quality of life. Mayor Daniel Rodrick is treating Toms River as he teaches…. […]
Complaint Filed by Phil Brilliant, as Plaintiff against, Toms River Township and Officials
Earlier today, Phil Brilliant of Toms River, filed a complaint against Toms River Township, Council President Craig Coleman, Council Vice President Lynn O’Toole, Councilman Justin Lamb, Councilman George Lobman, Mayor Daniel Rodrick, Toms River Acting Municipal Clerk Stephen Hensel, Business Administrator Jonathan Salonis, Township Attorney, Peter Pascarella, Esq. and Township Attorney Gregory McGuckin for not […]
Whiplash! Rodrick’s Rules of Chaos Strikes Again – Waterfront Development Partners Issues Demand Due to Failure of Toms River Township Planning Board
Attorney Robert C. Shea of RC Shea & Associates who represents Waterfront Development Partners, LLC has issued a demand letter to the Toms River Planning Board (remember on July 3, 2024 Mayor Daniel Rodrick sat himself on the dais that night to influence the outcome of an application that had a Court Order for the […]