On March 27, 2024 by Resolution of the Township Council, with a motion to approve by Council Vice President O’Toole and Second by Councilman Lamb and a roll call vote of 5-2 (Quinlisk and Ciccozzi voted NO) Morgan Engineering was retained by the Township of Toms River as the Township Engineer. Councilman Quinlisk questioned this […]
Tag: Council
Toms River Board of Education Approves Resolution to Raise Toms River Taxes $325/Household/Year
If that didn’t get your attention, then it is time to wake up to the fact that Governor Murphy and the NJ Department of Education is jeopardizing the education of the students in Toms River…not Superintendent Michael Citta and not most on the Toms River Board of Education. At last night’s Board of Education Meeting, […]
These are Toms River Residents opportunities to have your voices heard…why?? Toms River Schools have lost State aid due to Governor Murphy’s cuts, so join the conversation at a Board of Education and hear how Toms River plans on making up the difference…tax increases over the CAP are allowed under the new State law. Toms […]
Understaffed Toms River Police Force Continues to Support Toms River Residents
While Mayor Daniel Rodrick and his administration concentrate of movies, concerts and putting township employees and animals on the street, Chief of Police Mitch Little continues to protect and serve along with his understaffed Toms River Police Department. We thought it was time to look at statistics since almost half a year has passed since […]
Mayor Rodrick Movie Nights – What Mayor Rodrick Wants, Mayor Rodrick Throws a Tantrum to Get!
Has Mayor Rodrick ever been to Huddy Park? Does Mayor Rodrick realize the geese poop in Huddy Park, not to mention on any given night some tenants? Why? BECAUSE DANIEL RODRICK WANTED MOVIES AND STAMPED HIS FEET AND BANGED ON THE TABLE…Now we have movies bought for $6,274.66 through Funflicks of New Jersey. Does the […]
Councilman Lobman’s Daughter Hired by Toms River Township
Councilman George Lobman, who has filled the Ward 2 position of Mayor Daniel Rodrick, has been busy on social media, defending the actions of the Mayor and voting 100% in support of all actions of the mayor since taking office and now, has taken care of his daughter. Gianna Lobman has been hired by the […]
Who Contributed to William Byrne’s Winning Election
William Byrne, 82, wins Republican Primary for Council Ward 2
William Byrne, 82, the hand-picked candidate of Mayor Daniel Rodrick won the Republican Primary for Council Ward 2 with about 60% of the vote to defeat retired Toms River Police Officer, volunteer fireman and EMT Kevin Geoghegan. Mayor Rodrick was more visible campaigning for Byrne, even putting signs out and responding to questions from the […]
It’s Election Day!! Toms River Residents…Do You Think it is Time to Change the Form of Government?
It is our civic duty to vote…so be heard! Toms River residents who are concerned about the direction of Toms River and specifically the ultimate power and reckless nature of a mayor who has puppets on the Township Council, do you think it is time to change the form of government in Toms River? In […]
If Mayor Rodrick Governed as Hard as He Campaigns…
An average sunny Sunday in Toms River, out for a drive to the sights of the New Toms River Under the Rodrick Administration and Rodrick’s Rules. Mayor Rodrick himself putting out signs for his hand-picked candidate and nice photos of properties in Ward 2. Election Day is Tuesday, June 4th and it appears Mayor Rodrick […]