Tag: #DanMustGo

Middletown Township Goes Public With Tenure Charges Against Daniel Rodrick – Who Blames Everyone But Himself

If we have all learned anything about Daniel Rodrick since he entered the political scene in Toms River back in 2016, he is never at fault. His self-centered, arogant and disgusting attitude towards everyone around him, day and night, has landed him in hot water with Middletown Township Board of Education, who went public yesterday […]

UPDATE!!! Will the Fate of Daniel Rodrick the Teacher be Determined Tonight! Yes, Tonight at the Middletown BOE Meeting.

On Monday, January 27 at 7PM the Middletown Township Board of Education will meet in Executive Session to discuss 1) Confidential Matters per Statute or Court Order; 2) Litigation, Contract Negotiations, or Matters of Attorney-Client Privilege; and 3) Personnel Matters and then reconvene in Public Session at 8PM. Items discussed in Executive Session may result […]