On February 20, 2025, an informational session was held at the Toms River Branch of the Ocean County Library entitled “Just the Facts on Daniel Rodrick’s Toms River.” About 70 people attended in person with over 100 live-streaming thanks to Jersey Coast Emergency News. The over 2 hour session discussed the degradation of the fabric […]
Tag: justin lamb
Update from Toms River Council Meeting – Copies of First Reading Ordinances
Last night two (2) first readings of ordinances were read, #6 was an ordinance to lower speed limits on Garfield Avenue and #7 was an ordinance to increase the minimum area for when engineering, grading, drainage and a survey is required. Provided for your review and information, prior to the next Council Meeting on February […]
January 18, 2025: One Year Since the Creation of Toms River Transparency
At the January 18, 2024 Toms River Council Meeting Daniel Rodrick began his assault on the taxpayers of Toms River, the Toms River Police, Silverton EMS, Redevelopment…all the evil in his playbook with his puppets on Council and in Town Hall! One year of disrespect from the worst Mayor in America! The People of Toms […]
Developer Sues Toms River Over Repeal of Downtown Redevelopment Plan
Meridia Toms River 40 Urban Renewal, LLC filed the lawsuit on December 24, 2024 alleging civil rights violations and conflicts of interest over the repeal of the plan. Read for yourself.
Daniel Rodrick’s Christmas “I Love it When a Plan Comes Together”
We would hope if Toms River has learned anything about Daniel Rodrick over the past 7 years, since he was elected in 2017 as a Democrat and switched to the Republican party in 2018, is that he is a calculated bastard (they can say it on TV). So calculated, knowing he was in trouble as […]
Why Does Councilman Justin Lamb Believe the Law Does Not Apply to Him?
Not once, but twice, Councilman Justin Lamb voted on ordinances that he has a direct conflict in accordance with NJSA 40A:9-22.5 “Code of Ethics for local government officers or employees under jurisdiction of Local Finance Board.” Let’s lay them out, with evidence! On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, the Toms River Township Council discussed and approved […]
Toms River Mayor and Council Spar with Attorney for Developer at Council Meeting
On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, the Toms River Council turned back the clock on the Downtown Redevelopment and by a vote of 4 to 2, repealed all of the downtown redevelopment. Mayor Daniel Rodrick said he and his team were put into office to stop the redevelopment and I have delivered. Michael Coskey, a lawyer […]
Toms River Residents Plead for Code Enforcement on Rentals…We Hear You and Want to Help
Last night, November 13, 2024, Toms River Residents pleaded to the Toms River Council to respond to Code Enforcement violations and issues and stop the boarding houses in our neighborhoods and lack of property upkeep. Toms River Township Attorney Peter Pascarella said “if you report it, they will enforce it. With no CO requirement on […]
Philip Brilliant v. Toms River Township, et. al, Set for Friday, September 6, 2024 at 11AM
At 11AM on Friday, September 6, 2024, the complaint filed by Toms River Resident Philip Brilliant against Toms River Township, Mayor Daniel Rodrick, 4 Council members and others will be heard in front of Judge Robert E. Brenner at the Ocean County Court House, 100 Hooper Avenue, Toms River, Courtroom 9, 3rd Floor.
Complaint Filed by Phil Brilliant, as Plaintiff against, Toms River Township and Officials
Earlier today, Phil Brilliant of Toms River, filed a complaint against Toms River Township, Council President Craig Coleman, Council Vice President Lynn O’Toole, Councilman Justin Lamb, Councilman George Lobman, Mayor Daniel Rodrick, Toms River Acting Municipal Clerk Stephen Hensel, Business Administrator Jonathan Salonis, Township Attorney, Peter Pascarella, Esq. and Township Attorney Gregory McGuckin for not […]