Tag: #recallrodrick

UPDATE!!! Will the Fate of Daniel Rodrick the Teacher be Determined Tonight! Yes, Tonight at the Middletown BOE Meeting.

On Monday, January 27 at 7PM the Middletown Township Board of Education will meet in Executive Session to discuss 1) Confidential Matters per Statute or Court Order; 2) Litigation, Contract Negotiations, or Matters of Attorney-Client Privilege; and 3) Personnel Matters and then reconvene in Public Session at 8PM. Items discussed in Executive Session may result […]

Why Does Councilman Justin Lamb Believe the Law Does Not Apply to Him?

Not once, but twice, Councilman Justin Lamb voted on ordinances that he has a direct conflict in accordance with NJSA 40A:9-22.5 “Code of Ethics for local government officers or employees under jurisdiction of Local Finance Board.” Let’s lay them out, with evidence! On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, the Toms River Township Council discussed and approved […]

Toms River Residents Plead for Code Enforcement on Rentals…We Hear You and Want to Help

Last night, November 13, 2024, Toms River Residents pleaded to the Toms River Council to respond to Code Enforcement violations and issues and stop the boarding houses in our neighborhoods and lack of property upkeep. Toms River Township Attorney Peter Pascarella said “if you report it, they will enforce it. With no CO requirement on […]