Tag: #recallrodrick

Toms River has Gone Viral

Meeting after meeting Mayor Daniel Rodrick has stated don’t listen to the people in the room, they are disgruntled Mo Hill supporters or they need to get a hobby or there is a small group of people interested or objecting. Well Mayor Rodrick, you are wrong again. Two petitions with over 3,079 signatures to protest […]

Why is Mayor Rodrick Closing Toms River? Ask Him on June 26 at 7PM at the Township Council Meeting

On June 6, 2024 Mayor Daniel Rodrick closed the Toms River Animal Shelter stating “it is closed for construction.” Less than a week earlier he and Business Administrator Salonis were saying they must turn operations over to the County because the township can’t afford – LIES! Also a week earlier the Township Clerk certified that […]

Will Mayor Dan Rodrick’s “Jerry Springer” Council Meetings Spur an OPMA Change?

Since Daniel Rodrick was elected to Township Council in Toms River, chaos and outbursts have been common place at Township Council Meetings. Now since January, Mayor Rodrick has removed each and every video of council meetings (except the Reorganization meeting) and Matt Friedman of Politico said this morning that Rodrick meetings have been “Jerry Springer-esque.” […]

Mayor Rodrick goes down in flames and out the door

In a shocking moment after 5 months of unbelievable moments at the Toms River Township Council Meetings, Mayor Daniel Rodrick called Councilman Tom Nivison, his running mate last year, a “Sell Out!” “You Sold Out…You Sell Out!” Councilman Nivison stood his own on the budget, as well as during a heated moment on the the […]