Meeting after meeting Mayor Daniel Rodrick has stated don’t listen to the people in the room, they are disgruntled Mo Hill supporters or they need to get a hobby or there is a small group of people interested or objecting. Well Mayor Rodrick, you are wrong again. Two petitions with over 3,079 signatures to protest […]
Tag: Rodrick
Toms River Councilman Lamb Continues to Disrespect US Veterans
During the Toms River Council Meeting on June 26th a resident of Toms River approached the microphone to address the continued violation of Freedom of Speech by this Council and Mayor Rodrick’s comment towards a resident being “UnAmerican” and then addressed Councilman Justin Lamb of Ward 1. The video speaks for itself however Councilman Lamb […]
Rise and Shine it is Toms River Council Meeting Day and…We Already have an Updated Agenda
With only 1 scheduled meeting a month under Rodrick’s Rules of Chaos, each meeting is important for the Residents of Toms River…MAKE IT IMPORTANT! The agenda has changed once since posted and don’t be surprised if the agenda you receive when you walk into the room is not updated too. Review and come prepared to […]
Why is Mayor Rodrick Closing Toms River? Ask Him on June 26 at 7PM at the Township Council Meeting
On June 6, 2024 Mayor Daniel Rodrick closed the Toms River Animal Shelter stating “it is closed for construction.” Less than a week earlier he and Business Administrator Salonis were saying they must turn operations over to the County because the township can’t afford – LIES! Also a week earlier the Township Clerk certified that […]
June 26, 2024 Toms River Council Agenda Released
June 26, 2024 Toms River Council Meeting Agenda released and the only Animal Shelter item is the certification of the successful petition by Township Clerk Michael Cruoglio. What is the Mayor and Council’s plan? Is this the final agenda…. Also on the agenda is an ordinance, first reading, to purchase Block 668; Lot 1 (1 […]
Rally at 6PM on Wednesday, June 26 Toms River Town Hall
Rodrick’s Rules are Costing Taxpayers Big
On March 27, 2024 by Resolution of the Township Council, with a motion to approve by Council Vice President O’Toole and Second by Councilman Lamb and a roll call vote of 5-2 (Quinlisk and Ciccozzi voted NO) Morgan Engineering was retained by the Township of Toms River as the Township Engineer. Councilman Quinlisk questioned this […]
Understaffed Toms River Police Force Continues to Support Toms River Residents
While Mayor Daniel Rodrick and his administration concentrate of movies, concerts and putting township employees and animals on the street, Chief of Police Mitch Little continues to protect and serve along with his understaffed Toms River Police Department. We thought it was time to look at statistics since almost half a year has passed since […]
Mayor Rodrick Movie Nights – What Mayor Rodrick Wants, Mayor Rodrick Throws a Tantrum to Get!
Has Mayor Rodrick ever been to Huddy Park? Does Mayor Rodrick realize the geese poop in Huddy Park, not to mention on any given night some tenants? Why? BECAUSE DANIEL RODRICK WANTED MOVIES AND STAMPED HIS FEET AND BANGED ON THE TABLE…Now we have movies bought for $6,274.66 through Funflicks of New Jersey. Does the […]