The moment Mayor Rodrick called Councilman Nivison a “sellout!” Keep in mind, Mayor Rodrick mortgaged his house and put his teaching job on the line to become Mayor of Toms River, so he believes he is king! Last night marked the beginning of the end of his reign – almost made it to June. Toms […]
Tag: toms river
Mayor Rodrick goes down in flames and out the door
In a shocking moment after 5 months of unbelievable moments at the Toms River Township Council Meetings, Mayor Daniel Rodrick called Councilman Tom Nivison, his running mate last year, a “Sell Out!” “You Sold Out…You Sell Out!” Councilman Nivison stood his own on the budget, as well as during a heated moment on the the […]
Tonight at 7PM, Toms River Council Meeting/Budget 2024 Hearing
Which one of Toms River’s finest will present the 2024 Budget? $142,783,275.18 budget proposal but they can’t find $500,000 to save the Toms River Animal Shelter. #WeAreTR #WeDeserveBetter
Toms River Council Meeting tonight at 7PM
Mayor Rodrick will present his 2024 Budget with revenue of $149,373,395.18, including using $20M of the Township’s $47M surplus. There is no $3.5M deficit in the written budget, but that is all we have heard for 5 months, so I am sure we will hear something tonight. See you there.