Tag: #WeAreTR

Why is Mayor Rodrick Closing Toms River? Ask Him on June 26 at 7PM at the Township Council Meeting

On June 6, 2024 Mayor Daniel Rodrick closed the Toms River Animal Shelter stating “it is closed for construction.” Less than a week earlier he and Business Administrator Salonis were saying they must turn operations over to the County because the township can’t afford – LIES! Also a week earlier the Township Clerk certified that […]

These are Toms River Residents opportunities to have your voices heard…why?? Toms River Schools have lost State aid due to Governor Murphy’s cuts, so join the conversation at a Board of Education and hear how Toms River plans on making up the difference…tax increases over the CAP are allowed under the new State law. Toms […]

Understaffed Toms River Police Force Continues to Support Toms River Residents

While Mayor Daniel Rodrick and his administration concentrate of movies, concerts and putting township employees and animals on the street, Chief of Police Mitch Little continues to protect and serve along with his understaffed Toms River Police Department. We thought it was time to look at statistics since almost half a year has passed since […]