If that didn’t get your attention, then it is time to wake up to the fact that Governor Murphy and the NJ Department of Education is jeopardizing the education of the students in Toms River…not Superintendent Michael Citta and not most on the Toms River Board of Education. At last night’s Board of Education Meeting, Superintendent Citta and Business Administrator William Doering made it clear that without help from Trenton, the $26.5 million budget gap will greatly impact the operations of the Toms River Schools. What can be done?
Last night a Resolution was passed by the Board of Education to raise taxes 9.9%, BUT THIS WAS NOT THE BUDGET – THIS WAS JUST A RESOLUTION! The Resolution was made and approved under the new A4161 that will allow School Board in NJ that have a deficit to raise taxes over the 2% CAP in an effort to show Trenton as per Governor Murphy “that the local tax payers are paying their way.” It was very clear last night, from the Administration and the members of the public, that the Toms River Residents “are paying their way,” but this resolution is to send a message to Trenton, that 9.9% (about $325/household with a $400,000 value in Toms River; other communities such as South Toms River, Beachwood…pay a different figure) is a large enough burden on the community and with this proposal, Toms River needs about $12.5M from Trenton to balance the budget. If this doesn’t occur, the Resolution approved for a 9,9% tax increase is moot and the tax increase or budget cuts could be worse. Remember, at this current time the Administration and Board of Education is asking Trenton “we are sharing the burden with the community, now help the community.”
Interestingly enough, several of the Board members voted against the resolution, including Lamb, Morrison and Pascarella (yes, Toms River Township Attorney’s Step-Mother) citing the need to increase taxes more to pay for the deficit and seniors should not have to pay school taxes. These positions do not help the district, nor the tax payers of Toms River.
For more information, go to the Toms River Board of Education website where you can view a video of last night’s meeting, as well as all past meeting. Stay tune.