We need Council can’t be recalled until 2 years of service, so early 2026 if necessary, Lobman is done in December, if not sooner and Rodrick…November 11 we can start!
James Everett
I was born and raised in Toms River over 72 years ago. My parents and my children, as well as grandchildren, all lived or are living in Toms River. What I have seen taken place with this Mayor since January is appalling. I am retired from the Dover Twp PD (now TRPD) in 2003, after serving over 29 years of dedicated service. In all my years living and working in TR, I have never seen the amount of destruction and vindictive behavior by any other political figure ever in this town. This guy and his followers are evil and I am deeply concerned with how this will play out for the residents of Toms River. For the record, my wife and I downsized 3 years ago and have moved to Berkeley Twp retirement community. However my heart will always be with TRPD and what is best for Toms River Township.
Food for thought, perhaps they need to change the form of government back to the way it was with Committee Members with Mayor as figure head. This would take away all this dictator power as it exists now.
This has been a topic of discussion and we think it could be easier than recalling Rodrick, however it is very expensive. We are running our first fundraiser on Wednesday and we will weigh out options. Change of government is not off the table. Thanks
Rodrick, O’toole, Lamb, Coleman and Lobman ALL NEED TO BE RECALLED!
We need Council can’t be recalled until 2 years of service, so early 2026 if necessary, Lobman is done in December, if not sooner and Rodrick…November 11 we can start!
I was born and raised in Toms River over 72 years ago. My parents and my children, as well as grandchildren, all lived or are living in Toms River. What I have seen taken place with this Mayor since January is appalling. I am retired from the Dover Twp PD (now TRPD) in 2003, after serving over 29 years of dedicated service. In all my years living and working in TR, I have never seen the amount of destruction and vindictive behavior by any other political figure ever in this town. This guy and his followers are evil and I am deeply concerned with how this will play out for the residents of Toms River. For the record, my wife and I downsized 3 years ago and have moved to Berkeley Twp retirement community. However my heart will always be with TRPD and what is best for Toms River Township.
You are still a Toms River resident in our hearts
Food for thought, perhaps they need to change the form of government back to the way it was with Committee Members with Mayor as figure head. This would take away all this dictator power as it exists now.
This has been a topic of discussion and we think it could be easier than recalling Rodrick, however it is very expensive. We are running our first fundraiser on Wednesday and we will weigh out options. Change of government is not off the table. Thanks
You are still a Toms River resident in our hearts!