During the Toms River Council Meeting on June 26th a resident of Toms River approached the microphone to address the continued violation of Freedom of Speech by this Council and Mayor Rodrick’s comment towards a resident being “UnAmerican” and then addressed Councilman Justin Lamb of Ward 1. The video speaks for itself however Councilman Lamb continues to disrespect US Veterans and Service Men and Women everywhere when he refuses to apologize to decorated Army Veteran Daniel Leonard. Daniel Leonard is a Retired Career Army Combat Veteran and US Paratrooper with multiple deployments around the world, who Councilman Lamb falsely accused of “stolen valor” and when given the opportunity continues to refuse to apologize. Councilman Lamb, a Police Sergeant in Lavallette, NJ, who has been reported to spend more time on leave, then on the force, disrespects residents during public comment periods, states he only needs to care about Ward 1 and has a history with the other side of the law that would teach anyone to respect those in uniform. But he just doesn’t get it! When will Toms River wake up and get it!
Last night is an example why Toms River and Ocean County Veteran Organizations, as well as Active Duty Organizations must come together to demand Councilman Lamb apologize, but more importantly, call Councilman Lamb out for not supporting the greatest military on earth!