On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, the Toms River Council turned back the clock on the Downtown Redevelopment and by a vote of 4 to 2, repealed all of the downtown redevelopment. Mayor Daniel Rodrick said he and his team were put into office to stop the redevelopment and I have delivered. Michael Coskey, a lawyer representing Meredia Toms River, the Capodagli Property Co project that has approval for development, but has currently sued the Township because they blocked the ability to finalize the approval process, hence the Township called it default, but it was actually illegal, told the Council they were violating municipal land use law by repealing the redevelopment plans. Toms River Township relied on the legal interpretation of Peter Pascarella, the Township Attorney who said “you are wrong.” Mayor Rodrick also weighed in, with no legal education, “add it to your lawsuit” as the township has spent close to $1M on attorneys in 2024!
Coskey said, “If this ordinance is adopted, there will be a challenge brought and a lawsuit brought in Superior Court.” Coskey argued that the council needed two-thirds of its seven members — or five votes — to kill the redevelopment plan, a contention that was rejected by Assistant Township Attorney Peter Pascarella. “The provisions of the municipal land-use law do not apply,” Pascarella responded. “It will not require a two-thirds majority vote from the council.”
The new Executive Director of the Toms River Improvement District (BID) Melissa Fernandez urged the council to reconsider their actions. “Over 30% of the waterfront and the downtown core property owners voted against this repeal,” she said, referring to a petition signed by more than 30% of property owners asking the township to maintain the redevelopment plan. “I urge you as members of this community to think deeply of where we go from here.” In the end Councilman James Quinlisk and Councilman Thomas Nivison voted against the repeal and all others, excluding Councilman David Ciccozzi, who owns property in the downtown and abstained, voted in favor. Ironically, Councilman Justin Lamb, made the motion and voted in favor, though is law office at 10 Allen Street, in the Downtown District, owned by his father, would make him in conflict to vote in accordance with NJSA 40A:9-22.5.
Rodrick’s Rules of Chaos has Toms River back in court and the only winners at this point are the attorneys and Mayor Rodrick’s political accounts, since they are funded by these attorneys. Much more to follow. 2 video clips are available – video clip 1 and video clip 2. More videos of Toms River Council meetings and Rodrick’s Rules of Chaos are available at our YouTube Page.