On Monday, July 15, 2024 during ANOTHER Special Toms River Council Meeting, the Council approved the purchase of the BoatWorks Property at 1 Robbins Parkway (Block 668; Lot 13) for $1.8M immediately after approving the bonding for the purchase at a value of $2M. Council members voted 5 to 2 to borrow $2 million through a bond to acquire the dilapidated building, which has been vacant for many years, with Councilmen David Ciccozzi and James Quinlisk voting against it because of concerns that the purchase was being rushed by Mayor Daniel Rodrick’s administration, but the sale to the township is pending an environmental study of the property for any potential issues, according to Township Attorney Gregory P. McGuckin.
Here are FACTS as known today, that Mayor Rodrick lied to the public about during the meeting and his supporters on Council and professionals backed him up.
1 – There appears to be no appraisal on file done by Mancini; though a second OPRA request has been filed. Public documents appear to assess the property between $320,000 and $650,000, but Toms River paid $1.8M. It also appears the property may be in foreclosure proceedings. But Toms River purchased the property for $1.8M.
2 – Toms River Tax Assessor value of the property is $925,000 with a annual tax of $17,380.00. Toms River purchased the property, so that is $17,380 less tax revenue to the Township, but the Mayor has plans….
3 – Mayor Rodrick said he is purchasing for Open Space (out of one side of his mouth) and then said “it would be nice to have a tiki bar, splash park for families.” Well, is it Open Space or a new “trash” park for food trucks and overnight sleepers.
4 – Mrs. Irene Watson, a consistent support of Mayor Rodrick spoke about her review of plans in Former Planner Dave Roberts office that includes an amphitheater, waterfront walk…sitting area. It will be very nice for the community. Upon further review, she was speaking of the Capodagli property on the former hotel property, not the Boat Works site. Very nice to see she approves of the future development to start soon.
5 – Township Assistant Attorney Peter (Griffin) Pascarella, acting during this meeting as “clerk” stated that with this deal the buildings would be torn down by the property owner (seller) by the end of July. During the hot summer months, when the Downtown area is full of residents and visitors eating, drinking and enjoying all that makes Toms River a great place, the Township believes it is smart to remove these buildings. Mayor Rodrick and his attorneys should leave construction and demolition to the experts…if there are any left in Town Hall. At a minimum, utilities will need to be removed safely, then an environmental assessment of the buildings and subsurface, then a plan to safely remove with endangering others from dust, debris and the heavy equipment used to remove buildings. Toms River would be smart to SLOW DOWN and plan! Rodrick’s Rules of Chaos need to stop!
As more information is known, it will be provided.