Toms River Township Employees have Rights in a Toxic Work Environment

V1 C10 Whistleblower Policy Effective: 

June 2010 

1. Employees have the right under the Conscientious Employee Protection Act (CEPA) to complain about any activity, policy, or practice that the employee reasonably believes is in violation of a law, rule, or regulation promulgated pursuant to law without fear of retaliation or reprisal. This right shall be communicated to all employees in an annual letter outlining the specific employee complaint procedure and in a posted notice. A written acknowledgement that the employee received, read, and understood this letter will be included in the employee’s personnel file. The annual notice shall be in English and Spanish and must contain the name of the person who is designated to receive written notification of polices or practices that might violate CEPA. This right will also be communicated in the Employee Handbook. All complaints will be taken seriously and promptly investigated. 

2. The Township of Toms River shall not take any retaliatory action or tolerate any reprisal against an employee for any of the following: a. Disclosing or threatening to disclose to a supervisor, Department Head, the Business Administrator, or other official or to a public body, as defined in the CEPA (N.J.S.A. 34:19-1 et seq.) an activity, policy or practice that the employee reasonably believes is in violation of a law, a rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to law; b. Providing information to or testifying before any public body conducting an investigation, hearing, or inquiry into any violation of law, or a rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to law; or c. Objecting to, or refusing to participate in any activity, policy, or practice that the employee reasonably believes is a violation of a law, rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to law; is fraudulent or criminal; or is incompatible with a clear public policy mandate concerning the public health, safety, or welfare. 

3. In accordance with the statute, the employee must bring the violation to the attention of the Business Administrator, Director of Human Resources, and/or their designee. However, disclosure is not required where (1) the employee is reasonably certain that the violation is known to one or more officials; (2) where the employee reasonably fears physical harm; or (3) the situation is emergent in nature. Employees are encouraged to complain in writing using the Employee Complaint Form but may make a verbal complaint at the employee’s discretion. (See Employee Complaint Policy.) Under the law, the employee must give the Township of Toms River a reasonable opportunity to correct the activity, policy, or practice. The administration of whistle blower complaints is not subject to the limitations in the Grievance Policy. 

2 thoughts on “Toms River Township Employees have Rights in a Toxic Work Environment

  1. George Lord

    My daughter was let go in the code office. She was making 30k a year. They hired a replacement at 65k in the same position

    1. tomsriverresidentsfortransparency Post author

      Welcome to Toms River where the competent get replaced by friends of Dan at 2x the salary. We may have less employees in Toms River, but payroll is not reducing as Mayor Rodrick has said. Rodrick’s Rules of Chaos! Hope your daughter has found new employment and sorry to say, she is probably better off.

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