Attorney Robert C. Shea of RC Shea & Associates who represents Waterfront Development Partners, LLC has issued a demand letter to the Toms River Planning Board (remember on July 3, 2024 Mayor Daniel Rodrick sat himself on the dais that night to influence the outcome of an application that had a Court Order for the Township Planning Board to hear within 120 days) since the “Board has failed to act within the statutorily prescribed time frame. The 120-day period expired on June 29, 2024 and the applicant has only agreed to waive the statutory deadline until the August 7, 2024 hearing and no later.” The Planning Board has 48 hours to comply or they developer will explore all available legal remedies.
Another threat of lawsuit or lawsuit against the Residents of Toms River and this one is the best. Why was the Planning Board Meeting canceled on August 7, 2024, hence opening the door for the developer to make these demands? Council President Coleman’s decision to postpone the July 24, 2024 Township Council Meeting so Mayor Rodrick and Councilman Lamb and maybe others could attend the Concert and Fireworks at Shelter Cove, hence making it impossible for a quorum and Council President Coleman rescheduling the meeting at 3:30 on August 7, 2024, hence requiring the Planning Board Meeting scheduled at 6/6:30 to be rescheduled. Council President Coleman stated on the record at the August 7, 2024 meeting that he chose the time of the day so people could go to the Concert and Fireworks. His words, his actions, will cost Toms River.