At last night’s Toms River Council Meeting there was a lot of discussion about bills, wrong bills, duplicate bills and overbilling, so who is actually being paid in Toms River, why and who is approving bills. When the CFO and Business Administrator are the same person, these are questions we should ask. All of the bills are provided below for your review, however here are some interesting ones to point out:
Direct Development – Public Information Consulting – $13,500 is an April 20, 2023 invoice that appears to been previously paid (waiting for confirmation) and was a “plant” on last night’s bill list by either the CFO or BA or Mayor to start a conversation about Mayor Daniel Rodrick’s favorite topic – former Mayor Mo Hill. Dirty politics during a Council Meeting.
RC Shea & Associates – Public Defender Services – $6,000. RC Shea & Associates, the same firm representing Capodagli Property Company and other downtown developers, plus the Chairman of the Toms River Business Improvement District and probably the biggest person who gains if the downtown development occurs or ends up in Court. How do we spell Conflict of Interest?
DiFrancesco Bateman PC – 2 invoices totally over $2,300 for “2024 Herlihy Partial Blanket & 2024 Curcio Partial Blanket.” What does Mayor Daniel Rodrick have up his sleeve on these two projects…time will tell.
Grainger, Inc. – $2,458.68 for “Misc Items.” This is a municipality, not the mayor’s house and nothing should be for “Misc Items.” Was this a new pool pump for Pascarella? How about a new grill for the mayor’s house parties. Fishy!
Morgan Engineering – over $20,000 in multiple payments to a firm that step down as engineer in Toms River on June 15, 2024. Why are they being paid in July?
Garden State Fireworks – $26,300 – COUNCIL NEVER APPROVED! So on May 22, 2024 the Council approved $31,130 for Concerts (last night Mayor Rodrick stated that $35,000 has been spent) and without Council approval (resolution last night for permits after the fact, not contract) the Mayor got his fireworks! Baby cries until someone gives him what he wants! TAXPAYER MONEY!
Jamie Hawks – $263.92 – Petty Cash…anyone else want some taxpayer money, put in a request. You can get a car too!
Jonathan Salonis – $1,290 – “Reimbursement – TRUMPIA“…check it out. #1 Automated Texting Software. So this is how they paid for the township wide text message to get people out for the Concert and Fireworks. A campaign tactic, not a governing method. Did you give approval for your cell phone number to be shared?!?
Western Industries North, LLC – $2,735 “Animal Control Services” who is this? Not Approved by Council.
Shore Media and Marketing LLC – $9,165 “April, May, June Invoice” – PHIL STILTON IS BACK AND WORKING FOR TOMS RIVER TOWNSHIP.
Mayor Daniel Rodrick is playing games with his team of thieves using our tax dollars. 8 months and counting…what is next? (sorry for notes on the bill list)