Screenwriter William Goldman attributed the phrase to Deep Throat, the informant who took part in revealing the Watergate Scandal, however, the phrase is mentioned neither in the book or in the movie. Rather the phrase “The key was the secret campaign-cash, and it should be all be traced, ” which author Bob Woodward says to Senator Sam Ervin. Toms River is now different, especially in light of the fact that rumors are flying that Daniel Rodrick is starting to inquire about financial assistance as he is sent packing by Middletown Board of Education.
Let’s look at some recent reports of Political Organizations connected to Daniel Rodrick, as reported to the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission.
Save Toms River: Campaign To Elect Daniel Rodrick
The above was filed on October 3, 2024, 10 months after being sworn into office, and he is still spending money on Facebook boosted posts and website marketing. To influence other elections.
Save Toms River Campaign to Elect Daniel Rodrick
A second report filed on the same day, but a different report, with interesting expenditures. A total of $89,128.12 payments to Daniel Rodrick, as loan payments. So, Daniel Rodrick borrowed money to run his campaign, raising money, to pay himself back for the money he borrowed. All legal, but did donors realize they donated money to repay his loans?
Citizens for Good Government NJ
Rodrick’s Continuing Political Committee (CPC) founded this past summer with Drew “Chief of Staff” Chabot as Treasurer and Chairman (remember the BBQ honoring Daniel Rodrick, at Daniel Rodrick’s House). Did you read the Toms River Bulletin that hit the mailboxes of Toms River residents this past week, paid for my Toms River Taxpayers? Page 4 article “Toms River Sees Massive Savings in Health Insurance Costs…Mayor Rodrick chose Fairview Insurance as the township’s new broker.” In 2024, Fairview Insurance has donated $10,000 to Citizens for Good Government NJ…follow the money!
TR Students First – Campaign to Elect Diane Oxley and Maria Matarazzo
Maria Matarazzo, Daniel Rodrick’s hand picked choice for Board of Education in Toms River and current Code Enforcement…boss…clerk…decision maker, unclear, but all runs through her, received $7,416 from Byrne for Council (I bet Bill Byrne has no clue where his money went and who is on Board of Education) and Citizens for Good Government NJ gave $4,535.00. Does anyone want to argue that Daniel Rodrick influenced the outcome of the Toms River Board of Education election and wants to get involved in the operations of the Toms River School System…don’t be fooled! We need to keep him as far away from our kids and follow Middletown Township’s lead! PS – Drew “Chief of Staff” Chabot is Treasurer!
Toms River FOLLOW THE MONEY as Daniel Rodrick is going to be asking everyone to assist in his defense in Middletown Township and to make up for lost income. Don’t be fooled!