Not once, but twice, Councilman Justin Lamb voted on ordinances that he has a direct conflict in accordance with NJSA 40A:9-22.5 “Code of Ethics for local government officers or employees under jurisdiction of Local Finance Board.” Let’s lay them out, with evidence!
On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, the Toms River Township Council discussed and approved upon second reading an ordinance (#9 on the Agenda) to repeal “all ordinances previously adopted by the Township which had adopted and amended a Downtown Core Redevelopment Plan, A Robbins Parkway Redevelopment Plan and a Waterfront Redevelopment Plan in accordance with the local redevelopment housing law, NJSA 40A:12A-1, et.seq.” Councilman Lamb made the motion to close public comment and to approve the ordinance, whereas he should have recused himself due to a conflict. Robert Lamb, the father of Justin Lamb, owns property at 10 Allen Street, Toms River, within the Allen Street Professional Complex, that is located in the Downtown Toms River Redevelopment District. NJSA 40A:9-22.5a states “No local government officer or employee or member of his immediate family shall have any interest in a business organization or engage in any business, transaction, or professional activity, which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of his duties in the public interest.” Councilman Lamb was quick to point out that Councilman David Ciccozzi had a conflict due to his ownership of properties in the District, but ignored his legal/ethic obligations. To top it off, he was the deciding vote in a 4-2 vote, with Councilman Ciccozzi abstaining. Let’s wait to hear from Trenton on this one.
Not done with Councilman Lamb yet! On the same night, 3 ordinances later, Councilman Lamb once again made the motion and voted in favor of a motion he has a clear ethical issue, maybe two ethical issues. The ordinance states “Amending and Supplementing Section 477-64 Schedule VI, Overnight Parking Prohibited – Motor Vehicles (Parking Lot of Gilford Park Public Ramp) of Chapter 477 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the Code of the Township of Toms River, Ocean County, NJ.” So the two issues, wrapped up into one. Councilman Lamb’s new residence is located immediately adjacent to this property (address not provided due to Daniel’s Law concerns) and the two problems are: 1) as stated above, the same conflict applies – he owns the property that is immediately adjacent to this parking lot, hence he has a substantial conflict and should recuse himself – he did not. 2) There are so many other conflicts, but let’s just concentrate of C. of the same statute that states, “No local government officer or employee shall use or attempt to use his official position to secure unwarranted privileges or advantages for himself or others.” Eliminating overnight parking is a direct “privilege and advantage” though it is not 100% clear, since the only vehicle located in the parking lot overnight is Councilman Lamb’s.

Councilman Lamb is no different than Mayor Daniel Rodrick – what is in it for them is their #1 goal. Remember this in 2025 as elections have consequences!