William Byrne, 82, the hand-picked candidate of Mayor Daniel Rodrick won the Republican Primary for Council Ward 2 with about 60% of the vote to defeat retired Toms River Police Officer, volunteer fireman and EMT Kevin Geoghegan. Mayor Rodrick was more visible campaigning for Byrne, even putting signs out and responding to questions from the press, so there has been a sentiment this morning that this is a “mandate to the success of Mayor Rodrick’s first 5 months in office.” We think not! William Byrne won for 2 reasons and 2 reasons alone, neither have to do with Mayor Rodrick or even William Byrne.
First, Judge Zahid Quraishi granted Representative Andy Kim’s request to bar the use of the county line in the primaries and stated that the line was “unconstitutional for the democrats only” he allowed the republican party to continue to use the party line and ballot structure. As such, William Byrne was placed on the Donald Trump line. Had the Judge made the common sense decision, that both parties were equally using a ballot structure that was unconstitutional, this would have been a different outcome because….
Donald Trump carried William Byrne to victory, not Daniel Rodrick and not William Byrne. By the numbers: In Ward 2, Donald Trump received 2,067 votes, of which William Byrne received 68% of those votes. Those people who voted at the top for Donald Trump, voted at the bottom for William Byrne – NO DOUBT! In all but one district, William Byrne received greater than 50% of the vote, not because he was the better candidate, not because Mayor Rodrick put out signs, but because 68% of those who voted for Donald Trump voted for William Byrne.
So do not give up on Toms River and do not stop holding this administration accountable and force Mayor Rodrick to do his job, but please start thinking about being part of the team to hold him accountable. Toms River is the best place in New Jersey to live, not because of the representatives and not because of movies in Huddy Park or promises of concerts and fireworks, but because of the people! Don’t give up!

This is very interesting information. In regards to the questionable ballot….. I also wondered why the head of the Ocean County Republican Committee, George Gilmore (who received a Presidential Pardon from President Trump) would NOT put Trumps endorsed US Senate Candidate Christine Serrano Glassner in his column? You would think Mr. Gilmore would show more respect to the man that spared him from years in federal prison! I wonder if President Trump knows of this disrespect? And if he would have any words for Mr. Gilmore now?
Definitely cannot speak for President Trump, nor for Mr. Gilmore’s intentions, other than saying follow the money.
From what I recall through a source I worked with back then, The pardon was something Chris Christie and Bill Stepien pushed hard for. Stepien ran Trump’s 2024 campaign. While Trump & Christie’s relationship soured, Stepien continued to push for the pardon and got it on Trump’s last day in office. Gilmore has to show his appreciation closer to home as they have more impact on his immediate interests than Trump.
Trump endorsed Serrano because he knows her through her husband. They were both early supporters who have not wavered. As he’s shown, loyalty is important to him, just like all of us here in the Northeast.
I agree with how the election turned out but the much bigger numbers here are (approximately) 11.1% and 6.67%. 11.1% of registered voters turned out for this primary and many of those who did, did so because of the Presidential Primary. 6.67% of the of the constituents voted byne in. Regardless of whether or not it was an accident, this needs to be our reflection point.
I spoke with a Ward 2 resident in a pharmacy today. As we made small talk, I asked if she was able to get out to do her civic duty yesterday. She regrettably said no and pointed to her knee and crutch. She said it was very difficult for her to get around, without help, and she couldn’t stand for long periods of time. Why didn’t she know there transportation available to her? That’s one question that leads into other important ones as we move forward. This was a lost vote for Kevin though.
I have a lot more but they come down to one primary question: When/How will we connect with the true majority? I mean the 89%, most of who are not happy with the direction of Toms RIver, who weren’t heard from this go around and the almost 70% from the mayoral race last year?
Answer those questions, make an impact, and things will change, not just in the next race, but for the next generation or races.