Update!!! Will the Fate of Daniel Rodrick’s Teaching Job Be Decided on MONDAY – TONIGHT!

On Monday, January 27 at 7PM the Middletown Township Board of Education will meet in Executive Session to discuss 1) Confidential Matters per Statute or Court Order; 2) Litigation, Contract Negotiations, or Matters of Attorney-Client Privilege; and 3) Personnel Matters and then reconvene in Public Session at 8PM. Items discussed in Executive Session may result in Board action when the Board reconvenes in Public Session, so will the fate of Daniel Rodrick’s employment with Middletown Township be discussed? Will there be an outcome reported? Will Daniel Rodrick throw himself on the mercy of the Board of Education? We just don’t know, but stay tune for another report after the meeting…if we learn anything! Meetings are open to the entire public at Middletown High School North Library, 63 Tindall Road, Middletown, NJ 07748.