Warren “Drew” Chabot, Mayor Daniel Rodrick’s jack of all trades and expert of none! Mayor Rodrick’s ‘henchman” known for removing signs in the past and most recently identified by the Toms River Police Department, though no action has been current reported, for removing Toms River Police Foundation “Keep Kids Alive Drive 25” signs that annoyed Mayor Rodrick. Mr. Chabot was hired at $89,999 in January, 2024 as Department Head of Recreation…maybe. Mayor Rodrick has stated he was the savior of the Animal Shelter and most recently he has been identified as Chief of Staff…a title that does not exist in the Toms River Code. An OPRA response shows a base salary of $95,000, with a $10,000 “other compensation” for a total of $105,000 as “Administrative Assistant – Animal Department. It appears the “other compensation” is $5,000 as the JIF Liaison and $5,000 “other BA Assignments.”
Based upon internet searches, Mr. Chabot appears to be a licensed realtor in New Jersey and at one time employed by the Lavallette Public Works Department as a garbage man. Maybe a short time at Home Depot. Is he qualified as “Chief of Staff” for the 7th largest municipality in NJ? Also seems in 2007 Mr. Chabot was involved in a motor vehicle incident and was charged with reckless driving and driving under the influence (.13% on the breathalyzer) after fleeing the scene. He was legally represented by Toms River Councilman Justin Lamb’s father.
As the best of the best leave Toms River Town Hall, their replacements are less than model citizens.